Space City Fencing Fencers Win Medals at Austin Challenge RYC
Tarleton Hunt of Bellaire proudly shows her gold medal after winning the Youth 12
Women’s Foil competition at the 2014 Austin Challenge on May 4th. She placed first in the Y12
event and also took 6th place in the Youth 14 Women’s Foil competition. Wenqing He placed
12th in the Y12 Women’s Foil also. Space City Fencing fencers successfully competed in numerous
events, including sweeping the Youth 14 Men’s Foil competition with Vincent Zhang taking the
Gold, Samuel Kroger winning the Silver and West University’s Alex Euscher bringing home the
Bronze Medal. In the Senior Mixed Foil event, Zhang placed 5th and Kroger took 14th place.
Euscher also took the Bronze Medal in the Youth 12 Men’s Foil event, and Charles Frebault
placed 7th in Youth 10 Men’s Foil. In the Saber competition, Janna Aboudaher placed 3rd in the
Y12 Women’s event and 7th in the Y14 Mixed Saber event. Jeanne Frebault placed 5th in the
Y12 Women’s saber competition.